Clipping:An intentional walk 2

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Date Saturday, May 21, 1887

[Rochester vs. Syracuse, date unspecified] The crisis came in the eighth inning, but it was surmounted in masterly style. Two runs had been scored by Rochester in that inning and men were on third and second with two out. If these two men reached home, the score would be tied. Lewis, probably the best batsman in the League, was at the bat. Crothers whispered to Buckley and then sent in five ball wide of the plate, purposely giving Lewis his base. The Rochester contingent in the crowd hissed, and dubbed the play a “baby act,” and some Syracusans joined in the ungentlemanly demonstration. Instead of censure, Crothers is deserving of the highest praise for the act. It proves that he is not a record player; but that he plays every point to win the gaem, and that is all he cares about. Let Crothers play his own game. He knows more about the points of baseball and more about the weaknesses of batsmen than any of his advisers. He knew that Doc Kennedy, the next batsman, is shoulder bound and cannot hit a high ball. He also knew that Kennedy had little success in hitting him last season. Kennedy batted a fly to Marr, and the scores were kept back., quoting the Syracuse Standard

Source Sporting News
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
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