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Plea for Amateurism

Salience Noteworthy
Tags Ball in the Culture, Baseball Professionalism, Business of Baseball, Newspaper Coverage
Location Greater New York City
City/State/Country: NYC, NY, United States
Game Cricket
Immediacy of Report Contemporary
Age of Players Adult

CRICKETING. That eleven men who have devoted their youth and manhood to playing cricket, and have made their living thereby, should be able to beat twice that number who have played that game occasionally for exercise and recreation, is not at all surprising...We have steadily and ardently favored the recent efforts made in this country for the creation and diffusion of a popular taste for muscular outdoor amusements. We believe our industrious people have too few holidays, and devote too few hours to health-giving, open-air recreations... and we should be glad to hear of the inclosure of of a public play-ground, and formation of a ball-club in every township in the Union...But play should be strictly a recreation, never a business. As a pursuit, we esteem it a very bad one...Let us have ball-clubs, cricket-clubs, and as many more such as you please, but not professional cricket-players any more than professional card-players. We trust that the Eleven of All England are to have no imitators on this side of the ocean."


New York Tribune, Oct. 8, 1859


The All England Eleven played in Canada, New York City, Philadelphia, and Rochester in the fall of 1859, playing on occasion against 22 opponents, to provide competition.

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Submitted by Bob Tholkes
Submission Note 3/12/2014


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