Clipping:A preliminary AA organizational meeting

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Date Monday, October 10, 1881

The Board of Managers who control the Cincinnati base-ball grounds held a meeting to-day [10/8] and decided to send a delegation to the meeting in Pittsburg Monday, which is called by delegates from New York and Philadelphia for the purpose of organizing an independent league. New York, Philadelphia, Washington, Pittsburg, St. Louis and Louisville have promised to send delegates to the meeting, and now they are joined by Cincinnati. It is understood here that the reports regarding the probable policy of the new league are mere speculation. The probability is, however, that liberal rules will govern the concern, and that each club will be permitted to regulate its own affairs. Base ball matters have been at a low ebb in this city [Cincinnati] for some time on account of the difficulty different factions had in getting along with each other. The feeling of other years is wearing away, however, and should a new league be formed Cincinnati will in all probability joint and put forward a strong club. It is thought that the question whether a new league shall be formed or not will depend on New York, Philadelphia, and Pittsburg. Chicago Inter Ocean October 10, 1881

An informal meeting of representatives of the Independent League of base ball clubs was held here this afternoon [Pittsburgh 10/10/81]. After a short discussion it was decided to go no further at the present time than to elect temporary officers, appoint a Committee on Constitution and By-laws, and call an immediate second meeting. Thereupon the following temporary officers were chosen, to act for the association until the election of permanent officers: President, M. F. Day [sic], Metropolitan Club, New York; Vice President, Christ. Van Derahe [sic], St. Louis; Recording Secretary and Treasurer, James J. Williams, Columbus, O.; Corresponding Secretary, H. D. McKnight, Pittsburg.

Messrs. Thorner, of Cincinnati; Charles Fulmer, of Philadelphia, and a delegate to be appointed by the Louisville Club were named a committee to draft and present to the next meeting a constitution and bylaws to govern the association.

This committee are to meet the day preceding the regular meeting for permanent organization, which will be held at the Gibson House, Cincinnati, on Wednesday morning, November 2, at 10 o’clock. Cincinnati Gazette October 11, 1881

At least a start has been made in the matter of organizing an independent League, and to-day [10/10] in this city [Pittsburgh] representatives from several cities held an informal meeting. Proxies were received from other cities, which settled the future of the organization, and establishes the fact that it is to be a success. After a short discussion it was decided to proceed no further at the present time than to select temporary officers... Cincinnati Enquirer October 11, 1881

Source Chicago Inter Ocean
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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