Clipping:A tale about a crank

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Date Tuesday, July 8, 1884

The St. Louis Critic tells the following story of Mr. Clegg, Chief Clerk in the United States Engineering office, whom it calls “a base-ball crank all the way from Crankville.” He was going to a funeral one Sunday—was a pall-bearer on the occasion—and as the cortege was passing the base ball park he heard a shout set up in recognition of some good play made by one of the clubs then engaged in a contest in the park. If Clegg hadn't heard the shout he might have got by the park without making any demonstration, but just as soon as it struck his ears it sank clear down into his boots, and with the remark: “Boys, I'm awful sorry, but, by gosh, I can't stand it,” he tapped on the front glass, stopped the carriage, got out, went in to see the game and let the funeral go on.

Source Cincinnati Enquirer
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
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