Clipping:An injury sliding

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19C Clippings

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Date Wednesday, April 3, 1889

[from an letter from Ned Williamson to the Cincinnati Enquirer] I am now laid up in bed. In sliding into second base last Friday (Paris game) I injured my knee quite severely. Ia collided with a rock and tore considerable flesh from the knee cap, necessitating my having it sewed (four stitches). I was advised to remain in Paris, but , stubborn as a mule, I refused, and left with the boys for London, crossing the channel. Oh, God! what a night I put in. not only did my knee cause me excruciating pain, but I suffered greatly from sea sickness. In moving I tore one of the stitches from my knee. Immediately upon my arrival here I called in another physician and learned that the wound had not bee thoroughly cleaned—result, here I am in bed in a city that I am more anxious to see than any I have yet visited. … I apprehend no permanent inconvenience from the accident, but, of course, cannot tell what the future may have in store for me; however, I pray for the best...

Source Sporting Life
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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