Clipping:Brush proposes pooling receipts

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Date Friday, August 9, 1889

[from an interview of John Brush in the Boston Globe] “I will tell you what is sure to come,” continued Mr. Brush,”and that is a pooling of all the receipts of the League clubs. This is the only way to keep the League up, as it should be. For instance, the Indianapolis team has furnished the patrons of the game in Boston with an article of ball that they are willing to pay to see. It's a poor business concern where one partner isn't entitled to just as much of the profits as the other. The home team should be entitled to all they can make on the extras, such as receipts from the grand stand, score cards and other privileges. Now take the Boston club alone. It is likely they take in, say over $40,000 each season for seats in the pavilion. This would be quite a large amount that the League would not have to divide. If the whole business was put into the hands of one concern, you would not hear so much about umpires and dissatisfied players, and the game would be much benefited thereby. Either pooling the whole receipts or an equal division of receipts will have to come, and that, too., very soon.” Indianapolis Journal August 9, 1889 [N.B. IJ following day Brush disclaimed most of the interview, but kept to this portion.]

Source Indianapolis Journal
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
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