Clipping:Complaints about absence of rain checks

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Date Sunday, June 4, 1871

[Olympic of Washington vs. Athletic of Philadelphia 5/31/1871] ...a severe gust and thunder storm of half an hour’s duration caused a cessation of play. The two nines waited over an hour, in the expectation of resuming the game, but the condition oft he ground was such that it would have been the height of folly to have attempted to play. We have received numerous complaints from parties present at this game in regard to the failure to return either money or tickets for a subseqeunt game, to the spectators present, and we think, under the circumstances, that those who had paid for admission should be at least furnished with tickets to witness another game between these clubs.

Source Philadelphia Sunday Mercury
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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