Clipping:Knocking the ball out of the baseman's hand

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Date Wednesday, September 11, 1889

[from R. M. Larner's column] [The Cleveland Club] were unsuccessful in their efforts to trick the Senators while here, and on one occasion Hoy, our deaf and dumb centre fielder, outwitted Tebeau, McKean, Stricker and McAleer at their own game. They mute had reached second base on a passed ball. The ball was thrown down to second, and McKean, McAleer and Stricker handled the ball alternately until Stricker got hold of it and crept up behind Hoy, hoping that the latter would step off the base. The mute was onto the little game, and when Stricker stood beside him he smacked the hand that hld the ball, and the dogskin rolled several feet away. Before Stricker realized what had happened Hoy was safe on third base. Captain Faatz made a vigorous kick, but Umpire Knight held that there was no rule to cover such a play. It was simply a case of dog eat dog. Tebau captured the ball during the dispute and concealed it under his arm with the intention of getting even with the mute. The latter was wide awake as usual, and deliberately squatted down on the base and would not move until he saw the ball returned to Gruber, who was pitching.

Source Sporting Life
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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