Clipping:Ladies' day

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Date Saturday, June 3, 1882

The Board of Directors of the Cincinnati Club at their meeting yesterday passed a resolution to introduce s at the Cincinnati grounds during the rest of the season. These days will be every Tuesday, when the Cincinnati club plays a game. In case of postponement or on weeks when no Tuesday game is played, the Thursday following will be . The idea is to have one day of each week so denominated. Upon all these days ladies will be admitted to the grounds and to the grand stand free, provided they are accompanied by male escort. Gentlemen can bring as many ladies as they please, and will be asked to pay admission for themselves alone. Upon these days smoking will be positively prohibited at any place in the grand stand, and every effort will be made to make it pleasant and agreeable to lady patrons. The Club desires to revive the old-time interest which ladies used to take in the splendid sport. The first one of these days will be next Tuesday, upon the occasion of the first game of the Cincinnatis after their return from the East. And each succeeding Tuesday, except July 4, will also be free to ladies attending. It should be borne in mind, however, that in all cases the ladies must be accompanied by a gentleman escort.

Source Cincinnati Commercial Tribune
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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