Clipping:Quality control problems with balls

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Date Sunday, December 17, 1882

Last season there was considerable trouble with the use of the ball. Mahn & Col, who had the contract, sent out to the clubs balls put up separately in paper boxes and sealed. These boxes were broken open and the ball taken out by the umpire just as the game began. But the balls were found to vary greatly in weight and texture. Some immediately got soft and mushy, while the cover would become baggy, so much so that you could pinch up the leather as you would pinch up the skin on a dog's neck. Then, too, some of the balls were extremely light and around many the cover was as rotten as paper. The Association this year wisely allows the Secretary to do the boxing and scaling. The manufacturer will be required to send the balls by the quantity to Secretary Williams who will carefully examine each one as to weight, size, texture and quality. Those that he finds perfect in all the requirements he will box and seal with his seal. The rest he will reject and return to the maker. In this way none but perfect balls will go out to the clubs, for every club must get its balls from Secretary Williams, and none will be official unless it comes to the umpire's hands duly boxed and sealed by the Secretary.

Source Cincinnati Commercial Tribune
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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