Clipping:Strategic hitting; faking a bunt; fouling off pitches

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Date Saturday, June 24, 1876

[Chicago vs. Mutual 6/13/1876] ...Barnes—who became quite the hero of this contest—was the first to face the Mathews battery. It was quite a study to see how he did his work. It was throughout the game a clear illustration of skillful strategic batting. He stood there indifferent alike to balls or strikes being called, and both were, waiting until he had accomplished his object. First he led Mathews to believe that he wanted a ball sent to him on which he could successfully make a fair-foul hit; and after he had done this, and caused Mathews to send the balls in higher, he suddenly let out from the shoulder on one which just suited him, and away it went flying safely out of reach to left-field, between Treacy and Holdsworth, and on this telling hit Barnes reached third base...

Once more did Barnes face for a fair-foul, and foul ball after foul ball did he hit, until Bobby [Mathews, pitcher] thought he should send him one a little higher, and when he did away Barnes sent it flying fair to the building at right field, and before the active Booth could capture the ball Ross [Barnes] was on third base again...

Source New York Clipper
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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