Clipping:The death of Charles Graffen

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Date Saturday, October 3, 1868

The death of Mr. Charles H. Graffen has filled base ball circles with the deepest regret. He was doing all in his power to elevate and ennoble our National pastime. Philadelphia City Item October 3, 1868 [see also obituary Philadelphia Sunday Mercury 10/4/1868]

Mr. Graffen was one of the most versatile newspaper men in Philadelphia, having under his charge the religious, dramatic and sporting departments of the Mercury. He was also correspondent for several western papers, and was well known to the press throughout the country. He accompanied the Athletics on their western trip, as the special correspondent of the Clipper, and his graphic accounts of the games will be pleasantly remembered by our readers. New York Clipper October 3, 1868

Source Philadelphia City Item
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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